Hello Friends, Long Time , No Seen!!

  • 123racer
  • Kirjoittaja
  • Vieras
  • Vieras
07.02.2009 03:46 #10497 : 123racer
Hello Friends, Long Time , No Seen!! kirjoittanut 123racer
As in a well educated manner, let me introduce myself, here my pseudonym is "123racer" but lets call myself as The Jukka Nut man" or more easily " The Nutman". Those that know, or even better, remember, good for you ! for those that don`t, not really important...
I apologize for my style. It is just a result of my age: I started with model airplanes and my first competition was in 1955, in tender age of eleven. Then it was slotracing, professional slotracing and from that time the nickname Nutman sticked, because I happened to go to a hardware store to pick a few thin 5mm nuts, that Ken McDowell wanted to have , too ! Twice the quantity of 2000 pieces to be sent as airmail to him. I paid the bill at the stores counter, doubled the price and sent away. Then gradually Ken mailed me that he had located a cheaper "producer" in taiwan. That was perfectly OK to me, and that funny guy Jan Limpach tried to steal the idea as he presented it as Limpach nut in USA. My pal, Per Gustafsson of Minicars/Sweden however had it in his parma catalog as "Jukka Nut" Thanks Per for that ! Then it was Associated cars and as a team boss, ten consecutive finnish championships in a row. If that was not enough, I took another RC car make in the inventory: Serpent and it was three more championships. After that , my new wife made me to stop "Playing with toys". Now I have (almost) stopped to play with her, and she knows that if she pushes me, It will be Her that I will replace for Slotcars and other bigger toys with four wheels, so she is wise enough to let me have a ball again. So, old and new friends: With the great track here in Helsinki just a few minutes away from my place. It will again be "The thrill of my life" to try to see the damn rocket blast away with seven friends just side by side...
as an appropirate ending and a little push: I have a website:
www.123Speedmodels.com where I put news from races and pictures of interest. Don`t get mad, I like other toys, too besides Slotcars...

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07.02.2009 12:14 #10500 : Kaitsu
Vastaus käyttäjältä Kaitsu aiheessa Re: Hello Friends, Long Time , No Seen!!
Retro slot racing sounds very interesting. This kind of racing (division 3) is quite popular in States nowadays.


Auto tykkää, että sillä ajetaan.


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